Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Counting the Days!

We have several big things coming up soon and also a few updates.  Josh has been such a great husband to keep people posted but I think he's a little tired out from updates and phone calls.  He has never been one to talk on the phone for long periods of time anyway, but that is okay because I am just getting started!  So if you're wondering what is going on with me, I will be posting updates periodically!

1. Tomorrow I go to the doctor to have my blood checked again.  They are checking the INR level,(International Normalized Ratio) which is used to determine the clotting tendency of the blood.  A normal level is 1.  Mine needs to be between a 2.0-3.0 before I can get off the blood thinner injection and then I will only have to take it in a pill form.  I had the level checked on Monday and it was at 1.6.  I am REALLY praying that it is a 2.0 tomorrow!  I have an extreme fear of needles and having to give myself a shot in the stomach has not been fun or easy on my nerves!  I am NOT exaggerating.  I cry every time! 

2.  22 days - My follow-up appointment with the Neurologist on April 7th.  I found out this past Monday, when I had my blood checked, that there's a possibility I could get signed off by the Neurologist to be able to drive again after evaluation!  Apparently the exception to the rule is the fact that I only had a stroke due to the blood clot, and it's not a re-occurring thing.  I am still planning on having to wait 6 months so I do not get my hopes up, but I am glad there is a slim chance that I could drive earlier! 

3.  31 days - On April 16th we will have the ROTC Military Ball!  I just bought a new, dark blue dress and Josh will be wearing his new Officer's dress blues.  I can not wait!  He is going to look absolutely smashing and I do love a man in uniform! : )

4.  50 days - On May 5th, my husband will receive his Officer's commissioning as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army!  I can not wait to stand by him for the pinning ceremony and I'm sure his mom is just as excited!  She and I will both have the privilege of pinning his bars on his shoulders.  I am so very proud of him and the dedication and love he displays for his country.  I am honored to be his wife and to start this journey with him as we enter the Army life.

5.  51 days - The next day, on May 6th, Josh will also graduate from Austin Peay State University!  Yay!  It is almost here!  Again, I am so very proud of him.  

6.  65 days - We will be moving to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma, May 20th.  I have mixed emotions about this, being happy about moving to a new place but also being sad about leaving family.  Our moving date is going to be here before I know it and I am already feeling like I don't have enough time left! 

Well, I am going to go take a nap now!  I will post more updates whenever I can!

Monday, March 14, 2011

More Than All We Ask or Imagine

I had a near-death experience a week ago on Sunday, March 6th.  A blood clot formed in my brain and caused me to have a stroke and a seizure.  I was life-flighted from Gateway Hospital in Clarksville to Skyline Medical in Nashville, where the Neurologist told my husband and my parents to expect me to have a speech deficit and that I may not be able to walk or remember anything.  I was sedated and on a ventilator for two days, and when I woke up on Tuesday I looked at my husband and the first thing I said was, "I need you!"  I could talk!!  It took a while for the medication to wear off so I still don't remember much from Tuesday.  I definitely don't remember anything from Sunday or Monday.  I keep telling my husband, Josh, that it is so very weird to me to not remember two days of my life!  I was "awake" but I never knew that the paramedics picked me up from the apartment in an ambulance and took me to the hospital.  I had a CT scan, then ended up having a seizure immediately afterward.  I was rushed through the hallway on a gurney, then placed on a helicopter that took me to Skyline.  I just don't remember, and I can't get over that fact because it's such a strange feeling!  I was taken off the ventilator on Monday, and I'm told that I threw a right hook and punched Josh because they were trying to hold me down!  He talked to me all day, calming me down, and I listened to him.  I woke up on Tuesday to many family members and friends, and I cried while hugging everyone!  Needless to say I feel extremely blessed today, and I will tell everyone of the greatness of the Lord!  I owe everything to Him!  I was only in the hospital for a week, for a condition that the doctor said 30% of people die from.  The miracle for me is not necessarily that I didn't die, even though that is awesome!  In my mind, the real miracle is that I have NO brain injuries and can walk and talk with NO problems!  I have a whole new outlook on life now!  However, I currently have some difficulties that will last for six months, maybe even longer.  And while I am grateful and praising the Lord, I still have to remind myself to be positive and think of those things that I am thankful for.  I will not let Satan remind me of a few difficult things and let those small things outweigh the many GREAT things! 

The few difficult things are:
1. I have to be seizure-free for six months before I can start driving again.  This one is hard to not get dejected about because I am so independent! 
2. Being unable to drive poses problems with getting to and from work.  
3. The medications I am on cause me to think a little bit slower than normal and I have trouble concentrating when I'm talking.  I lose my train of thought more easily which is frustrating! It kind of makes it hard to write notes now because I don't know if I wrote anything out of order and I have to have my husband proof-read it!
4. I just recently signed up for an exercise program at Josh's school called "Bootcamp," and I was SUPER excited to do it for eight weeks.  Now I will not be able to participate, and I'm really bummed about it because I love working out. 

Here are the positive things that I have thought of thus far:
1.  I will have more time to read, and I am making a list of books that would interest me.  I would also like to try to read through the entire Bible, which I have never done before! 
2.  Since I will be home so much, I am going to go through all of the cookbooks that I got from our wedding and try some new recipes!
3. Since I am not able work out or do anything strenuous, I plan to take a walk outside and will jump at every opportunity to do so whenever the weather is nice!
4. I would love some suggestions on different, little hobbies or projects that I could work on to keep myself busy!  If you would like to post a comment at the bottom of the page or send me a facebook message, I would love any ideas!  Then I will post an update soon on what my goals are! 

Psalm 126:3 - The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy! 
This is one of my favorite verses right now!  My mom also shared this next verse with me while I was in the hospital ...
Ephesians 3:20 - Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.

I would also like to thank everyone who has prayed for me.  I truly appreciate it and it is hard to imagine just how many people that were lifting up their prayers that I do not even know! Your prayers have been a complete blessing to me and my family. I put this as my status on facebook this morning, but I am just so completely overwhelmed by the love of Jesus right now!  Today, my prayer is that God will be able to use me through this experience to show others His power, and share His love.  And that they will know the same awesome God that I do!  My heart is filled with so much joy, and I give all the praise and glory to the Lord for everything He has done for me this week!