Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Since it's the beginning of the new year, I figured it would only be appropriate to write about such things as resolutions.  We all make them; whether we all keep them is a different story.  I've always made the typical Christian resolution that I'm going to read the Bible in a year.  I get to the end of Genesis and by the time February comes around, my motivation is lacking.  This year, I wanted to do something a little different.  Instead of making this big promise to myself that I know might be broken in a few weeks time, I decided to do some smaller things that I can work on every day. 

1. Be more thankful.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 says to "give thanks in ALL circumstances."  I get so busy sometimes that I just forget to be thankful for the small things.  I have a friend who has started writing down several things every day that she is thankful for.  Not just the generic, "I'm thankful that I have a house," or "I'm thankful I have food," which are very legitimate things to be thankful for!!  But even more specific, she is thankful for things like, "winter - it makes me grateful for summertime!"  Or, "for warm socks!"  That's great!  So if I had to think of 3 things, right now, that I'm thankful for it would be:  1. I'm thankful for music.  It lifts my soul when I'm down, helps me feel closer to God through worship, and helps me clean the dishes faster when I have something to dance to!    2. I'm thankful that I have a Godly husband who loves me so much!!  He truly is a blessing!   3.  I'm thankful for 3M command hooks.  Sure helps in decorating a dorm room apartment when you can't nail anything into the wall!  ...And now I'm beginning to think of more things I'm thankful for, but I only said 3 for now, and will save the others for later!

2. Make an effort to look pretty for my husband.
I must admit that there are days when I just don't care.  It's cold, I don't have to work, and I'd really love to just stay in my sweatpants not caring what I look like.  And that is why I'm thankful for my loving husband who has to look at me like that!  Honestly, I've had this notion in my head for a very long time now, even before I was married.  Something that I just heard my mother and grandmother talk about.  Even though they may have had a long day, they would take a few minutes before dad gets home to make sure their hair wasn't a mess, and to do a quick touch up on their makeup!  I can remember beginning to cook dinner with my sisters and my mom would say, "I'm going to go freshen up real quick before Dad gets home."  I'm sure any guy would appreciate coming home to his wife and know that she took a few minutes just make sure she looks nice, just for him.  (Don't get me wrong, I know that there are "grace days" when kids come along, and the baby pukes on you, the house is a wreck, and you've just "had it up to here!")  But that's my resolution: to just take the few extra minutes to look nice for my husband and show him that I care!

I've never blogged before, and haven't ever considered myself a writer,  but I just thought it might be a fun thing to do, and I already have so many ideas on things to write about!!  So we shall see just how long this will last!  

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