Thursday, January 12, 2012

Get Uncomfortable

One of my goals for 2012 is to be more involved in our community, church and in other people's lives.  I want to be more "service oriented" than "pew occupying."  Yes, being faithful to go to church is great and we are called to build each other up because "iron sharpens iron," but I don't want to only be friends with people who are like me.  I want to be friends with people who aren't believers or who have different lifestyles than Josh and me. We are called to be fishers of men and we can't do that if all we aspire to is to have perfect church attendance.  This is something that Josh and I have talked a lot about recently and this year I want to actually be a doer of the word and not a hearer (or talker) only!  I got even more confirmation this past Sunday at church because the pastor preached an awesome sermon on the very same topic!!  He says that most Christians have become consumers instead of servants.  We have become people with great knowledge about God but do not disciple others.  We go to church and get "filled up" for the week but we keep it to ourselves.  The church can not grow if they don't have people in the congregation who are able and willing to go out and reach others for Christ.

Luke 12:48 says -Everyone to whom much was given, of him much more will be required. 
God has given us so much and we are supposed to go out and share it with others, not sit at home and keep it to ourselves! 

Even Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, did not come to earth to be served but to serve others.  (Matthew 10:45)  He, who was Holy and perfect, was ridiculed for hanging out with prostitutes and tax collectors..."sinners."  If we are supposed to be like Christ, then we need to reach out to others who aren't like us.  It IS possible to befriend those are worldly and yet not conform to the ways of the world!  I don't want to be someone who has all the book knowledge and can quote scripture left and right but yet is unwilling to be around others or share the great news of God's love because it makes me uncomfortable.   

This year I want to find ways that Josh and I can serve and be used by God.  We are supposed to be salt and light to the world and I don't want to hide my lamp under a bowl.  I want to let my light shine before everyone so that they notice a difference and that my "good deeds" will bring praise and glory to God!  (Matthew 5:13-16)  

I have to brag on my sisters because they are such a good example!  Mallory and Madison had a vision about two years ago of starting an outreach to serve the homeless.  They got their youth group involved and over the course of a couple of months got backpacks, toiletries, blankets, hats and gloves, and bibles donated.  In December 2010, Josh and I got to go with them and the other youth and deliver "Backpacks of Hope" to the homeless in downtown Nashville.  This last December they had 27 people from church, including kids, help out and they delivered 70 backpacks to the homeless.  They also passed out 50 sack lunches and prayed with people on the street!!  I can't wait to see how big it gets next year!  I am so proud of them for getting people involved and for sharing God's love to people, even if they are dirty and don't smell very nice!  I wish I could have been there to go with them.

Jesus said that whatever we do for the least of these, we do for Him!  My favorite song right now is "We Are" by Kari Jobe.

It's time to get uncomfortable.  So here's to a new year of serving, reaching out, and looking for opportunities to share the love of Jesus!  

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